Kaleidoscope Studio
Kaleidoscope Studio is the UK’s only designer/maker of “serious” Kaleidoscopes. I am Frank Higgins, I live and work in Odiham, Hampshire.
My principal medium is glass; I use a wide range of glassworking techniques and exotic forms of art glass, to create unique “grown-up” versions of the child’s toy that we all remember. The principles are the same, but the execution and results are far superior. They produce absolutely stunning images and are ornamental in their own right and prove to be wonderful conversation pieces They are designed to
last a lifetime.
- UK’s only designer / maker of “serious” Kaleidoscopes
- International award winners
- Unique special presents
- Collectibles, known worldwide
- Standard and custom-designed
I developed this unique use of glass over 20 years ago and in doing so, reintroduced serious kaleidoscope-making into UK, nearly 200 years after the invention of the kaleidoscope by Scotsman David Brewster.
The two most common reactions from people encountering my work are “Wow!” and “I haven’t seen anything like this before”.
My Kaleidoscopes make some of the most individual special presents you might find and are also sought after by collectors worldwide. They have won awards at international exhibitions. My output averages less than 200 pieces per year, so they will remain rarities.
I have a range of over 40 designs that I make regularly; about half of these are limited editions. Within an edition, no two are ever exactly the same, with variations in exterior colour or in the detail of the object being viewed. Indeed, apart from the simplest of the designs the same applies to the open series designs.
Beyond the standard range, I try to maintain a flow of new designs, some of which will remain 1-off, others will join the standard range.
I frequently work with customers to create personalised designs. This is a fun process. Examples include “St Basil” made to commemorate a holiday to Russia and presenting an image resembling the onion domes atop St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. For an astronomer, I created “Cassini”, presenting images of the planet Saturn and its’ rings, to commemorate the completion of the mission of the “Cassini” space probe. On several occasions, I have incorporated a customer’s own artwork or photographs into the viewing object.
Trade memberships / Awards / Qualifications
Member of Surrey Guild of Craftsmen – /member-shops/frank-higgins
Brewster Kaleidoscope Society (USA)
Featured Artist in The Kaleidoscope Collectors’ Guide (USA published) and in www.thekaleidoscopebook.com
Winner of 3 awards at the prestigious International Exhibition “Kaleidoscopes – 200 years” (Washington DC, 2016)
Selected for Exhibition “British Week” in Osaka, Japan in 2018, 2019.
I run the world’s largest online discussion group and information resource for – Kaleidoscope Builders, Collectors and general aficionados with over 700 members worldwide
Chepstow Cottage, Colt Hill, Odiham, Hampshire, RG291AN
Telephone: 01256 395019 / 07802 787107
Email: frank_higgins1@hotmail.com
Website: www.kaleidoscopestudiouk.com
Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frank.higgins.585
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaleidoscopestudiouk/
YouTube: /channel/UCFqj6gA35wJv4MmcAnJxbwQ
Flickr: /photos/kaleidoscopestudio/albums